Using Macros

Macros are a simple way to create re-usable snippets of templates. They can be used as-is, or they can be lightly customized at the point of use by filling slots.

This document will cover the ways in which macros can be used in Nikola themes created with this package; it will generally assume that you already understand the basics of creating and using macros on Chameleon. See the macro reference documentation for more details.

One important thing to point out: the value of a use-macro attribute is a true expression. It is evaluated to find the macro object. It’s not just a simple name. This allows most of the scenarios we will discuss below.

Using Macros From the Same Template

While not particularly common, it is possible to create and use macros all within the scope of a single template. One of the standard names defined for path expressions is template referring to the currently executing template. A Chameleon template has a macros dictionary that lists all the macros defined within by name. Therefore, to use a macro from the same template, we would write an expression like template/macros/macro_name (here, in a file called


  <p metal:define-macro="hello">
      Hello <p metal:define-slot="name">world</p>


    <p tal:repeat="post context/posts"
       <p metal:fill-slot="name">${post/author}</p>



Using Macros From Other Templates

When a template defines macros, they can be used from other templates as well. The key is that use-macro takes an expression; we just have to provide an expression that evaluates to a macro.

Load Expressions

The simplest (but least flexible) way to do this is with Chameleon’s built-in load: expression. This will load a template in from a file relative to the current file. If the hello macro from the previous section was defined in, the file could use it like this:

  <body tal:define="hello-template">
    <p tal:repeat="post context/posts"
     <p metal:fill-slot="name">${post/author}</p>

Flexibility Through the Component Architecture

Far more flexible is to make use of the component architecture. We can do this in a few ways. One is to rely on the fact that views are automatically registered for each found in the theme’s templates directory. Each such view will have an index attribute that is a template, and which in turn will have the macros dictionary. We could change to use this view:

    <p tal:repeat="post context/posts"
     <p metal:fill-slot="name">${post/author}</p>

How is this more flexible? Isn’t that just another way to refer to a file?

This is more flexible for two reasons. The first is that a theme that extends us (see Theme Inheritance) could provide its own hello.tmpl view (maybe defining different CSS classes or using <div> instead of <p>) and we would automatically use it. The second (and similar) reason is that the traversal through context gives the component architecture a chance to define a more specific view for that particular type of context. (Of course we could traverse through any object and potentially locate a more specific view for that object.) This lets us (or themes that extend us) do something like use a generic macro for most types of objects, but also provide a custom macro that automatically gets used for galleries or slides. All without having to change the base template!

macro: Expressions

An even more powerful and flexible way to locate macros is with the z3c.macro macro: expression type. Unlike all of the above approaches, this abstracts the notion of a macro away from its location (we don’t have to think about what file or view the macro is defined in). Instead, we just use the macro’s name: <p metal:use-macro="macro:hello" />.

At first this may seem less flexible: at least with traversal we got to choose a variable to traverse through and could register macros for particular context objects. But the macro expression actually automatically searches for the macro based on all three of the context, request, and view. That gives us the same three degrees of freedom to define custom macros for particular types of context objects, pages and comment systems that we have for templates.

All macros found in * files are automatically registered for the lest specific, most generic interfaces possible. You can easily add your own macros in ZCML for more specific registrations.

Finding Macros For a Different Context

The macro: expression always looks up its target based on the current context, request and view. Sometimes, particularly when working with the contents of a container—such as the posts in an index—you want to look up a macro with a different context (the object in the container). The @@macros view lets you do this:

    <p tal:repeat="post context/posts">
     <p metal:use-macro="post/@@macros/display">Display a post.</p>

The template Variable and Macros

One useful quirk involves the template variable: When you use a macro from another file, no matter how you got it, whether from a load expression or the component architecture, while that macro is executing, template still refers to the file that called it! This is yet another way of overriding bits and pieces of macros if macros are looked up from the template variable; of course it does introduce fairly tight coupling between the files.

Suppose we have for ordinary (non blog-post) pages:

  <header metal:define-macro="header">
      <div class="metadata"
        Put the metadata here
  <div metal:define-macro="metadata">
    <!--! Pages don't have any metadata -->
        <header metal:use-macro="template/macros/header">

Now, could use the header macro from and still fill in its own metadata macro:

  <div metal:define-macro="metadata">
      <h1>Author: ${context/author}</h1>
        <header metal:use-macro="context/@@page.tmpl/index/macros/header">

This is similar to filling slots, but works with any level of nesting.

Macro Limitations and Challenges

  • Macros always expand to exactly one piece of content (content for a macro cannot come from multiple places).

  • Slots can be difficult to use effectively through multiple levels of nesting.

  • The macro namespace is flat.

Some of these challenges are addressed with viewlets.